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According to one of the UN's websites, the original emblem of the United Nations was created by a team of designers during the United Nations Conference on International Organization in 1945. The design team was led by Oliver Lincoln Lundquist. The UN emblem was designed to be "a map of the world representing an azimuthal equidistant projection centred on the North Pole, inscribed in a wreath consisting of crossed conventionalized branches of the olive tree, in gold on a field of smoke-blue with all water areas in white. The projection of the map extends to 60 degrees south latitude, and includes five concentric circles".



SCREENSHOT - According to one of the UN's websites, the original emblem of the United Nations was created by a team of designers during the United Nations Conference on International Organization in 1945. The design team was led by Oliver Lincoln Lundquist. The UN emblem was designed to be "a map of the world representing an azimuthal equidistant projection centred on the North Pole, inscribed in a wreath consisting of crossed conventionalized branches of the olive tree, in gold on a field of smoke-blue with all water areas in white. The projection of the map extends to 60 degrees south latitude, and includes five concentric circles".







1: a dog kept to guard property
2: one that guards against loss, waste, theft, or undesirable practices



Many of the files were missing crucial documentation — including the original complaint, a summary of an investigation and evidence that supported the unit’s conclusions, according to the county watchdog.

— Nicole Asbury, Washington Post, 25 Jan. 2024

The letter cites research from the White Coat Waste Project, a watchdog group that opposes animal experimentation.

— Andrew Sheeler, Sacramento Bee, 25 Jan. 2024

Gas leak fires and explosions from all types of causes are happening more frequently across the country, a recent report from a watchdog group found.

— Harrison Mantas, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 23 Jan. 2024

The watchdog issued the penalty over systems that tracked the idle time of workers’ scanners and measured the speed of scanning.

— David Meyer, Fortune, 23 Jan. 2024

Elizabeth Wilson had worked at the British watchdog Financial Conduct Authority since 2005, making £140,000 per year (about $178,000) as a senior manager.

— Byprarthana Prakash, Fortune Europe, 22 Jan. 2024

California’s Little Hoover Commission, an independent state watchdog agency, last month heard testimony from retailers and law enforcement officials about brazen store thefts, at the request of Republican lawmakers.

— John Woolfolk, The Mercury News, 10 Jan. 2024

The Campaign for Accountability, a progressive watchdog, filed a complaint Tuesday alleging that Phillips’ campaign illegally coordinated with a supporting super PAC called Pass the Torch, which was launched by former Phillips campaign adviser Steve Schmidt.

— Tribune News Service, Hartford Courant, 7 Jan. 2024

That search warrant was reported by the same watchdog group.

— Lori Rozsa, Washington Post, 8 Jan. 2024


One of California’s largest immigrant detention facilities, Adelanto has been investigated by government watchdogs over health and safety violations, including disciplinary segregation and detainee exposure to toxic chemicals.

— Andrea Castillo, Los Angeles Times, 17 Jan. 2024

State government watchdogs: Flagging questionable spending, lack of transparency Arizona taxpayers have saved millions of dollars, thanks in no small part to state Capitol reporter Ray Stern.

— The Arizona Republic, 7 Jan. 2024

In addition to Gruenberg, Tuesday’s hearing features top banking watchdogs at the Federal Reserve and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.

— Katanga Johnson, Fortune, 14 Nov. 2023

Lachlan Murdoch has drawn criticism from media watchdogs for what many called Fox News’ increasingly conspiratorial and misinformation-promoting broadcasts.

David Hamilton, Fortune, 24 Sep. 2023

Several press freedom watchdogs condemned the Marion Police Department’s actions as a blatant violation of the U.S. Constitution’s protection for a free press.

— John Hanna, Fortune, 14 Aug. 2023

Several press freedom watchdogs condemned the Marion Police Department’s actions as a blatant violation of the US Constitution’s protection for a free press.

— John Hanna and Margery A. Beck, BostonGlobe.com, 14 Aug. 2023

Subsequent reports showed that the Mexican government had badly botched the investigations and that government personnel were implicated in a cover-up—findings that might never have come to light without the efforts of civil society watchdogs.

— Ronald J. Deibert, Foreign Affairs, 12 Dec. 2022

While the Pentagon conceded at least 1,300 civilian deaths in operations against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, for example, watchdogs say the true toll is likely far higher.

— John Hudson, Washington Post, 18 Oct. 2023


As far as we know, there are no official non-performance monitors operated by the United Nations. It follows that all organizations who are watching the UN for underperformance are fully independent free thinkers. Mostly comprised of the independent Free Press.





1. a dog kept to guard property
2. a watchful guardian
a self-appointed watchdog of the public morals

3. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a watchdog
4. organized or functioning as a watchful guardian, esp. against illegal or unethical conduct
a watchdog group in the legislature

5. to watch carefully, esp. so as to detect illegal or unethical conduct





1 : a dog that is small enough to be held in a person's lap
2 : a weak person who is controlled by someone else

His coworkers regarded him as the boss's lap dog.




1: a small pet dog that is given a lot of attention by its owner

2: someone who is willing to do anything that a more important person tells them to do:

Opposition parties accuse the newspaper's editor of being a government lapdog.





Please note, for the avoidance of doubt, the Injustice Alliance is an independent and stand alone organization. The Alliance is not in any way associated, or affiliated with the United Nations, or any of their subsidiaries or affiliates. And no such association is implied.


This level of independence guarantees, as far as is possible, the sovereign liberty of editorial content, by way of legitimate, reasoned and constructive criticism. Hopefully, free of Strategic Law Suits to Prevent Public Participation (SLAPP actions). That are in any event unlawful and likely to be discouraged by the Courts across the globe.


Criticism that is well balanced is deemed to be constructive, and must remain unfettered if it to be of value in lobbying for change. Hence, all the usual freedoms of the Press apply. With reference to Fair Use and Copyleft.


The Alliance avers that as 'Watchdogs' and being independent, we may voice the thoughts of many, that the United Nations' may not voice themselves. Their hands being politically, financially, or otherwise tied so as not to offend. Lapdogs rarely bite the hand that feeds them.





Plural: lapdogs also - lap dogs

1: a small dog (such as a Chihuahua or Pomeranian) that may be held in the lap
2: a servile dependent or follower

"We had a choice of being attack dogs or lapdogs," said a G.O.P. lawmaker.—
Jacob V. Lamar (lap dog politicians)


Indeed, scientists used radiocarbon dating on a 2,000-year-old skull to determine that Romans may have been among the first to deliberately breed lapdogs, according to a study published in the Journal of Archeological Science in 2023. 


— Joshua Rapp Learn, Discover Magazine, 15 Dec. 2023 

But by Roman period, evidence shows that our canine companions started to shrink, with lapdogs becoming more popular. 


— Joshua Rapp Learn, Discover Magazine, 15 Dec. 2023 

After close examination, conservators found that a lapdog was originally included in Picasso's painting Le Moulin de la Galette, but was later painted out. 


— Escher Walcott, Peoplemag, 17 May 2023

John McCain’s lapdog. —

- Roxanne Roberts, Washington Post, 16 Nov. 2020 


Advertisement - Continue Reading Below 16 Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka Cousin of the equally fluffy Bichon Frise, Bolonkas are a breed of curious and intelligent lapdogs that are popular in Russia


— Alesandra Dubin, Good Housekeeping, 11 Apr. 2023 

Those quests are usually undertaken in pursuit of true love and require some kind of face-off with death, even when death is accompanied by a cute black lapdog. 


— Sam Sacks, WSJ, 31 Mar. 2023

Over the course of three seasons, Kendall has served as both a lapdog and direct adversary of Logan and displays his emotional woundedness through his struggles with various addictions. 


— Sonaiya Kelley, Los Angeles Times, 26 Mar. 2023 

After four humiliating years playing the role of the President's lapdog, which culminated in his fleeing a mob of Trump supporters, who threatened his life during the US Capitol attack on January 6, Pence seems to have begun his push to claim the presidency for himself. 


— Michael D'antonio, CNN, 26 June 2021 


















The United Nations Watchdogs are monitoring the dreadfully slow pace of change, in dealing with the most pressing issues facing planet earth. Blue laurel wreath on a white background



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