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WHAT HAPPENED AT COP 28 - The rate of temperature rise is way out of control, with countries like India, increasing oil production, instead of investing in clean electricity. Narendra Modi may be banking on the fact this his country is used to higher temperatures, so may be able to brave the scorched earth that his policies appear to be creating. India is also addicted to coal, so well and truly satiated with fossil fools. Sanctions should be applied to anyone employing Fordist: Red Growth tactics. China has been going at it bull-at-a-gate. Also, teetering economically with massive default on loans, from unsustainable property development schemes.
COP 28 takes over the climate change baton from COP 27 at Egypt’s Sharm El Sheikh city. The twenty-eighth Conference of the Parties is due to take place from 30th November to 12th December 2023 at the Expo City, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, UAE.
It is the wealthy billionaires who are giving nothing back. With politicians in the pockets of those contributing to party funds, to keep a dysfunctional system going. Hence, apart from a $Green-Dollar, we may also need a Wealth Tax. With such taxes going to pay off national debts, 100% transparently, and corruption free. If all countries unanimously declared a debt Moratorium, with each of them devaluing their currency, we'd have an inflation free world. Provided, that those doing so, stopped building:
1. Houses that reek of CO2. 2. Cars and trucks that pump toxic gases into the atmosphere 3. Ships that pollute the air 4. Factories that swallow energy like there is no tomorrow
And, immediately:
5. Ban coal for domestic and export energy production 6. Embark on a wind turbine and PV farm building programme 7. Engage more proactively in electric and hydrogen infrastructure. 8. Plant more trees in sustainable fashion to exceed use threefold 9. Monitor politicians and civil servants for bribes and favours using anti-money laundering algorithms 10. Signed up to a $Green or $Agri dollar, index linked to sustainable food and energy production
It won't happen of course. Because the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) are the greed driven culprits, who have engineered the present climate crisis, in fueling kleptocratic empire building. Instead of cautious restraint.
INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MORATORIUM - Why not just cancel all debts, in return for pledges not to build any more houses, factories, vehicles and vessels, that are not 100% zero emission. The banks do not need the money - and it is only paper. They are the drivers of global warming. Just stop the clock! With Natioanal Debts cancelled, and all currency index linked to an $Agri-Dollar, there will be zero inflation. At least, that is the theory. But, we also need to hammer corruption in politics. Really and truly tighten against procurement fraud and cash for favours. Politicians would need to be digitally monitored 100% of the time, measuring assets against income.
1. TRANSPORT: Phase out polluting vehicles. Governments aim to end the sale of new petrol, and diesel vehicles by 2040 but have no infrastructure plan to support such ambition. Such infrastructure should exceed the performance of fossil fuel filling stations, prolong EV battery life and provide power grids with a measure of load leveling. Any such system should seek to obviate the provision of millions of fast charge points to include fuel cell cars, where implementation could otherwise prove to be a logistical nightmare. This may involve international agreement as to energy storage format and statute to steer OEM vehicle makers to collaborate as to future proofing, to include green hydrogen.
Marine transport can be carbon neutral given the right policy incentives, with phased transition in specific stages such as not to unduly penalize present investment in LNG shipping and other recent MARPOL compliant IC powered vessels. Future cargo vessel should be at least in part powered by renewable solar and/or wind energy, on the road to zero carbon, making allowances for technology catch-up. A scrappage scheme might encourage fleet operators to accelerate shipping upgrades, and a fund for radical innovation that would not otherwise qualify under in-situ programmes (such as Horizon Europe) might be introduced - with fast-track, reduced, form-filling and open-loop decision making, such that applications may be tweaked rather than struck out.
Air travel powered by kerosene should attract hefty mitigation offset, where low carbon alternatives should be encouraged such as electric air transport.
2. RENEWABLES: Renewable energy should replace carbon-based fuels (coal, oil and gas) in our electricity for homes, factories, heating and transport. Coal and nuclear power plants should be phased out.
3. HOUSING: On site micro or macro generation is the best option, starting with new build homes that are both affordable and sustainable by design to replace crumbling housing stocks. Encourage building in timber to provide carbon lock from a renewable natural resource. Planning policies should be updated to outlaw unsustainable development, with harsh financial penalties for kleptocratic local authorities, especially those with a history of corrupt practices (from historic similar fact evidence files).
4. AGRICULTURE: We need to grow more trees to absorb carbon emissions from a growing population, unregulated/unrestricted air travel. New homes should be timber where practical as a priority. We should promote reductions in food waste and the eating of foods that use less energy to produce. Educate children on these matters in schools and via campaigns such as no meat Mondays, should be part of ordinary study. Polluted fish from fisheries, might be replaced with fish farmed by aquaculture inland, rather than risk carcinogens from our seas.
5. INDUSTRY: Factories should be aiming for solar heating and onsite renewable energy generation. EV parking and even service facilities should be part of new industrial estates as part of any building permissions - with subsidies or tax reductions as incentives to property developers.
6. POLITICS: - National governing bodies need to adopt rules to eliminate administrative wastages, to include scaling down spending on (showboat) war machines, increasing spend on educating the public and supporting sustainable social policies that mesh with other cultures. This includes fostering policies and making funds available to close links in the technology chain to make up for lost time. Kleptocratic empire building must cease in the search for natural equilibrium. Most important of all, corruption must cease in favour of 100% transparency, with politicians, civil servants and procurement contracts, the subject of anti-money-laundering computer checks, using the same algorithms to combat terrorism. Because, corruption is the enemy of a truly sustainable Circular Economy, otherwise known as Blue Growth Economics.
1995 COP
2020 COP 26/CMP 16/CMA 5, Glasgow, Scotland 2021 COP 26/ Glasgow, Scotland 1-12 November 2022 COP 27/ Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, 6-18 November 2023 COP 28/ Expo City, Dubai, UAE, 30 Nov - 12 Dec 2024 COP 29/ Absheron, Baku, Azerbaijan 11 - 24 November
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