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Abdel Fattah el-Sisi - Egyptian Prime Minister @ COP27 Action Zone 2022# - SDGs, people for the planet @ the General Assembly September 21-23 2022 Adolf Hitler - The Nazi dictator who gave reason for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Air quality - Rapidly deteriorating breathable air, filled with carcinogens Alok Sharma - President COP26, Glasgow, Scotland Anthropocene - The present age of man wreaking havoc on the planet, bordering on extinction António Guterres - UN Secretary General Armageddon - The beginning of the end Artwork - Injustice Alliance logo studies Banks - Banking on valueless paper currencies (fraud) is fueling global warming Berne Convention 1979 (Stockholm) - Copyright for literary artistic works Bioaccumulation - Toxins that build up in a lifeform as they eat lower lifeforms, to poison predators in a food chain Biodiversity - The variety of life on planet earth - COP15 Kunming/Montreal December 2022 Blaenavon - Coal pits and ironworks, cultural landscape of the industrial revolution, South Wales UNESCO UK Blue Growth - A sustainable marine economy Blue Shield, The - International organization aimed at protecting art and cultural heritage sites in times of war Brazilian Navy - Pollution criminals, deliberately dump asbestos laden Sao Paulo aircraft carrier in the Atlantic Cannibalism - A social taboo, but in times of mass starvation, a last (& vast) source of protein! Careers Cartegena Convention - Regional protection and development for the Atlantic, Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico 1986 Climate Change, Conferences of the Parties (COPs) COP1, COP2, COP3, COP4, COP5, COP6, COP7, COP8, COP9, COP10, COP11 COP12, COP13, COP14, COP15, COP16, COP17, COP18, COP19, COP20, COP21 COP22, COP23, COP24, COP25, COP26, COP27, COP28, Oil & Gas, COP29, COP30, COP31 COP 32, COP33, COP34, COP35, COP36, FINI - JUDGMENT DAY COLREGs - Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 (COLREGs) Rule 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Annex I, Annex II, Annex III, Annex IV, Part C, Part D, Part E, Part F, Sections II & III Compensation - COP27 Agenda, Loss & Damage from climate change COP15 Biodiversity Summit Kunming/Montreal December 2022 Copyright Treaty 1996 - Berne Convention - Authors literary and artistic works Coronavirus, Covid19 - Cure Countdown to Extinction - 10 years and counting to theoretical non-reversibility Crypto currencies - A sort of digital money (sometimes with tokens) without any form of backing or security Daren Tang - Director General, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Desertification - Where agricultural land is being turned into deserts by human activity Devaluation - A way to cool economies Ecocide - Crimes against the environment Electricity - Clean energy Energy - Renewables England South-East - Heritage listings ESA - European Space Agency EU Energy Day - COP27 Extinction Rebellion - An activist group that had some effect, and inspired others to actin Extinctions - The demise of a species, the wiping out of flora or fauna from planet earth, halting reproduction Financial Slavery - Banks and Governments enslaving productive workers via lending against unaffordable living Food and Agriculture Organization - Security - Qu Dongyu Food Standard - A proposal to link money to actual food production Funding - Budget contributions and deficits - Environmental strategic actions Geneva Convention - Code of conduct during wars Genocide - The mass extermination of humans of a particular race Global Warming - Code red emergency climate change crisis Gold - Standard, linking paper money to a tangible asset Green Patents - Social invention for sustainable growth Greta Thunberg - Child campaigner for climate action: SkolsStrejk For Klimatet Hague - International court of justice (difficult to access due to limited remit) Human Rights - Universal Declaration - Council, High Commissioner's Office - UK's track record Hydrogen - Egyptian agenda to push for clean energy ICC - Internationale Criminal Penale Court, The Hague, Netherlands International - Agreements, Monetary Fund Island Nations @ COP27 - Lobbying for Ecocide to be a recognised crime 6-18 November 2022 Justice, International Courts, The Hague King Charles III - Buckingham Palace and COP27 - UK injustice & discrimination Kitack Lim - Secretary General of the UN's International Maritime Organization Kleptocrats Lapdogs - What is the meaning? Laura Davies - UK Ambassador to UNESCO 2022 - 2023 Legal Notices - Copyleft and Copyright in media reviews and editorial content Life on Earth - A television documentary with Sir David Attenborough Lloyds Register - Maritime safety and ocean world risk @ COP27 Maritime Organization, International, IMO MARPOL - International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (waste discharges & exhausts to air) Member Nations MEPC - Marine Environment Protection Committee NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration, US agency Nazis - Climate Criminals and Crimes against Humanity Oceans - A to Z Orange Growth - UNCTAD, the orange economy: creative arts, technology innovation & design, IP, media Planet Earth Act - There is no such thing at the moment, but international laws to save our world may be necessary Plastics - Micro, macro and ghost fishing nets | Resolution to prevent plastic pollution 2022 Pollution of the marine environment with toxin laden plastic litter Port Royal - Tentative listing of sunken city as a World Heritage Site, 1692 earthquake & tsunami Pyramids of Ancient Egypt - world heritage sites Quality of Life Regional Seas Convention - For the control of marine and coastal pollution Rishi Sunak - UK Prime Minister October 2022 Rio de Janeiro - Earth Summit June 1992 - Agenda 21, UNCED conference
THE CORN EXCHANGE, BRIGHTON DOME - Leo Perrin is the Youth Project Lead at the Cleaner Ocean Foundation (a not for profit organization registered in the UK). This is an amateur video of a short presentation given on the 13th of June 2024 about the hydrogen powered Elizabeth Swann - a zero carbon trimaran around 44 meters in length. Bristling with state of the art tech. This talk (only his second) was given at the launch of the 'Sussex Bay' re-wilding project, a brilliant initiative to conserve around 100 miles of Sussex coastline in England, supported by many authorities and like minded concerns. See their website to learn more of this important work.
Sameh Shoukry - President COP27 Sargassum White Paper - Turning a Crisis into an Opportunity Satellites - A means of observing the planet, to monitor harm inflicted by humans on humans & the natural world Security Council Seventy-Fifth 75th anniversary of the United Nations Silver Standard - Money system with a real value, over valueless promissory notes Simon Stiell - UNFCCC executive secretary COP27 Sir David Attenborough - SLAPP Actions - Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation: Bullying and intimidation, or harassment Space Travel - Colonization, Exodus Stonehenge - Neolithic stone circles dating from 3000 BC Sussex - Herstmonceux Generating Station Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs), United Nations blueprint for 2030: SDG1, SDG 2, SDG3, SDG4, SDG5, SDG6, SDG7, SDG8, SDG9, SDG10, SDG11, SDG12, SDG13, SDG14, Transport - Infrastructure, Mobility Anna Nsubuga, Maxim Polya-Vitry, Professor Anne Anderson (Chair), Professor David Drewry, Dan O’Connor, Charlotte Joy, Joseph Nhan-O’Reilly, Mike Robertson, James Bridge, Matthew Rabagliati, Charlie Kennedy, Liam Smyth, Nushin Hussain, Alison Smedley, Dave Chapman, Aisling Parrish, John Carmichael, Andrew Mailing, UN75 - United Nations 75th Anniversary United Nations - Climate Change Conferences of the Parties, COP26 Glasgow, Scotland Agriculture, G20, Housing, IMF, Industry, Politics, Renewable Energy, COP26: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, EU, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, UK, USA UN Decade of Ocean Science 2021 - 2030 for Sustainable Development UNCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, promoting world peace UNDP - United Nations Development Programme - assisting sustainable economic growth to alleviate poverty UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 - United Nations, Article 1, Article 2, Article 3, Article 4, Article 5, Article 6, Article 7, Article 8, Article 9, Article 10, Article 11, Article 12, Article 13, Article 14, A 15, A 16, A 17, A 18, A 19, A 20, A 21, A 22, A 23, A 24, A 25, Vatican City - Rome, world heritage site Volunteers Watchdogs - Telling it like it is - Dictionary definition - What is a watchdog Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament - world heritage site Whistle Blowing - Whistleblowers rights and protections WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization - climate unfriendly policies - Convention articles Work - World Atlas - A to Z of planet Earth World Environment Day - 5th June 2023, focus on beating plastic pollution World Health Organization - Director Generals World Trade Organization - WTO World War Three - Survival by building a nuclear blast proof fallout shelter, as a Human Right X Chapter - Economic and Social Council Yes - It's time to stop the pollution clock Zero Carbon - Net Zero - 2030 (zero chance) 2040 (fat chance) 2050 (slim chance) - 2060 (human mass extinctions probable) Zero Emissions - Clean Air, lacking in infrastructure Zero Growth - Sustainable circularity - 2030, 2040, 2050, 2060 Zero Waste - Circular economy ZESTAs - Zero Emission Ship Technology Association - IMO provisional consultative status December 2022
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The chances of there being intelligent life in other galaxies is remote, especially as the moment a species evolves to be able to exploit their planet, they inevitably destroy their home by exhausting their natural resources.
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